
Join our family of advertisers!

FANNP Advertiser Information

Acceptance of Advertising
- Classified ads only.
- Link provided on website for direct submission.
- All advertisements are subject to review and approval by the Editor.

Ad Options
May run ad in one newsletter or all year - 4 total newsletters, December, March, June, and September issues.

Cost and General Information
- $50.00/ad each newsletter or $150.00 for all 4 newsletters. No cash discounts.
- Payment must be received in full prior to the scheduled close date for the quarterly issue.
- Payments can be made via PayPal on the FANNP website.

- The classified ad section of the newsletter will be limited to 1 page. Ads will be processed on a first come first serve basis.

Closing Dates for Space and Advertising Materials
- Ad information and full payment must be received by the 2nd Friday in February to be included in the March newsletter.
- Ad information and full payment must be received by the 2nd Friday in May to be included in the June newsletter.
- Ad information and full payment must be received by the 2nd Friday in August to be included in the September newsletter.
- Ad information and full payment must be received by the 2nd Friday in November to be included in the December newsletter.

CLICK HERE TO PAY FOR YOUR AD WITH A CREDIT CARD... Please email your ad copy (include your requested start date) and get more information from our Newsletter Editor, Christa Smith,


All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2024 The Florida Association of Neonatal Nurse Practitioners - PO Box 14572, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-4572