FANNP is seeking abstracts for poster and podium presentations for the annual FANNP's 36th National Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Symposium on October 14th-18th, 2025. The Planning Committee invites submissions by members and non-members. Participation is open to health professionals whose specialty has a focus on the Neonatal Population (this includes but is not limited to NNPs, RNs, Clinical Nurse Specialists, and Neonatologists). Those accepted will have the opportunity to participate in an online Podium and Poster Presentation Workshop. The workshop discusses the necessary elements for abstract development, the process for virtual poster development, how to prepare a virtual poster PowerPoint presentation and how to create an effective podium presentation.
Consider sharing your knowledge and experience with others. Through our Robert "Bob" Rogers grant fund, we will be awarding 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners to primary authors that meet criteria. Each poster presenter will be judged on presentation, professionalism, engagement and poster appearance. To be eligible for the award, the presenter must be a NNP student. The poster abstract submission due date is July 15th, 2025. For more information, email
FANNP Research Committee members present a virtual workshop: Preparing your Podium Presentation and Virtual Poster.
Learn the process for poster development, how to prepare a poster PowerPoint presentation and more! FREE.
Jacqui Hoffman's husband Bob Rogers was an honorary social host and greeter at FANNP Conferences. He attended our social gatherings and loved to meet student NNPs from all over the country to hear their stories. Bob would tell them jokes and offer words of encouragement. At the time of his death, Bob honored FANNP and requested in lieu of flowers contributions be made to FANNP to support students attending the FANNP Conferences. FANNP has established a grant fund in his name to support NNP student presenting at or attending the Poster Session at our annual conference. Please consider contributing to this fund using the link below.
Robert "Bob" Rogers