Kim Nolan

Kim Nolan Spirit Award

The Kim Nolan Spirit Award was created to honor the memory of one of the founding members of FANNP. The Award recognizes a can-do attitude, along with service to family, work, and community.

Nominations are accepted from any FANNP member, and blinded applications will be reviewed by the Spirit Award Committee members. Once selected, the award recipient will receive written notification of selection.

Nominate someone you know today! The deadline for applications is July 15, 2024.


About the Award


  • To honor the contribution that Kim Nolan, founding member, made to FANNP and her community.
  • To recognize an NNP who exemplifies the characteristics of Kim.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A nominee must be a member of FANNP.
  • A nominee may be a practicing NNP, a retired NNP, or a NNP student

Selection Criteria:

  • A nominee should demonstrate service to his/her community or professional organization.
  • A nominee should possess excellent communication skills.
  • A nominee should demonstrate positive "can-do" behavior in daily activities.

Nominee Characteristics:

  • Enthusiastic;
  • Family oriented;
  • Role model/mentor;
  • Caring, nonjudgmental, respectful

The recipient will receive the following:

  • Complimentary conference registration and accommodations for this or next year's NNP Symposium in October;
  • One year waiver of FANNP dues;
  • Recognition in the newsletter and on the website;
  • A certificate suitable for framing;
  • A Lladro statue

Previous Recipients

  • 2002 Pam Laferrier
  • 2003 Madge Buus-Frank
  • 2004 Leslie Parker
  • 2005 Kim Irvine
  • 2006 Karen Theobald
  • 2007 Ruth Bartelson
  • 2008 Cheryl Robinson
  • 2009 Gail Harris
  • 2010 not awarded
  • 2011 Mary Kraus
  • 2012 Terri Marin
  • 2013 Jacqui Hoffman
  • 2014 Paula Timoney
  • 2015 Sheryl Montrowl
  • 2016 Mary Beth Bodin
  • 2017 Christa Smith
  • 2018 Carolyn Kelly
  • 2019 Jennifer Humphries
  • 2021 Michele Beaulieu
  • 2022 Gayla Kaye-Steed
  • 2023 Colleen Moss